ユタ州15歳少女と父親のデュエット「The Prayer」のリンク
ユタ州15歳少女と父親のデュエット「The Prayer」をYouTubeで聞いた所、思わず聞き惚れたのでメモ。
ユタ州15歳少女と父親のデュエット「The Prayer」、国を越えて反響 - VOICE 洋楽
With so much going on in the world, sometimes it’s best to pause and remember the simple prayer of a father and daughter for “life to be kind.”
「The Prayer」のYoutubeのコメントに思わず声を失ったし、そういう中で人間性を保ち続ける厳しさも感じ取った。
My husband has been battling cancer. He was in the hospital having part of his liver removed and because of the Corona Virus I was not allowed in the hospital to be at his side. I was home pacing and scared. A friend sent me an email and told me to listen. I sat alone at my computer, listening to your song, with tears streaming down my face. I have heard The Prayer sung by many different artists but you two are the most amazing! Not only do you have the most beautiful voices, you two have the most pure, sincere voices! You sing from your soul! I can't thank you enough for touching the deepest part of me and lifting me up during a very dark and scary moment in my life. You both have been given an incredible gift. God Bless You for using it to lift so many others! With Love and Gratitude, Debbie
「You Matter to Me」も素晴らしい歌声。
最初は「You Matter to Me」の意味が分からなかったが、娘も父親もすごく心も力も込めて、「ユー・マター・トゥー・ミー」と歌うので、その意味を思わず辞書で調べた。
Social Distanceの文化は、人間関係の距離を縮めたい本能を妨げるものだから。
My little sister was slowly walking towards my mom today, crying and heartbroken. My mom thought maybe she’d fallen off her bike, but when she asked her what was wrong, she said “I miss my grandma. I just want to be close to her. I wish the quarantine was over.” ? The physical distance from our loved ones has been so difficult, even for young children! Grandma matters to Pennie Jean. Our family and our friends matter to us, and we matter to them. But, that’s not where the circle of “people who matter” ends. To all of the healthcare workers and first responders keeping us safe, you matter. Those who are working overtime so stores are able to stay stocked with essential items we need to live, you matter. To the moms and dads who are now juggling their normal responsibilities with homeschooling and easing the worried hearts of their children, you matter! .
There is so much love to be given, and received. Tell somebody they matter to you. ??
恥ずかしくなるくらいでちょうどいい! 英語の息の使い方 | 語学力アップブログ | アルク
"Oh, that's beautiful!"
皆さん、今これをさらっと読みましたね? 違うんです(笑)。彼女は(文字では表しにくいのですが、あえてひらがなで)「びゆーてぃふぉー」と、「ユー」の音をものすごく強く高く叫んだのですよ。これにはやられました。「うわ、やりすぎ......」と、こちらが恥ずかしくなるくらいでちょうどいいのね、というのを私はこの時学んだわけです。
| 固定リンク
- Clubhouseは路上ライブや朗読のためのツールかもしれない(2021.04.04)
- ユタ州15歳少女と父親のデュエット「The Prayer」のリンク(2020.05.07)
- ユタ州15歳少女と父親のデュエット「The Prayer」のリンク(2020.05.07)
- Audibleのメモ(2019.12.26)
- 「英語が楽天を変えた」本の感想(2019.11.21)
- 英語の考え方と学習方法(2019.06.17)